Film Data (Foma)
Here are our best estimates for using Foma Film with our SP-76EC developer. The details and a bunch of pretty charts can be downloaded here: Foma Film and SP-76EC
If you want to download and print just this page: Foma Processing summary
Foma 100 & SP-76EC Developer
Recommended ISO: 50 |
68°F/20°C |
N-1 |
Normal |
N+1 |
N+2 |
Ratio |
19+1 450+24 ml |
14+1 450+32 ml |
11+1 450+40 ml |
9+1 450+50 ml |
Time (minutes) |
8:00 |
8:00 |
8:00 |
10:00 (estimate) |
Agitation |
15 seconds followed by 10 seconds every 30 seconds. (Skip the first 30 second mark.) |
Foma 200 Creative & SP-76EC Developer
Recommended ISO: 100 |
68°F/20°C |
N-1 |
Normal |
N+1 |
N+2 |
Ratio |
19+1 450+24 ml |
14+1 450+32 ml |
11+1 450+40 ml |
9+1 450+50 ml |
Time (minutes) |
7:00 |
7:00 |
7:00 |
7:00 |
Agitation |
15 seconds followed by 10 seconds every 60 seconds. |
Foma 400 & SP-76EC Developer
Recommended ISO: 250 |
68°F/20°C |
N-1 |
Normal |
N+1 |
N+2 |
Ratio |
14+1 450+24 ml |
9+1 450+50 ml |
7+1 425a+60 ml |
NA |
Time (minutes) |
9:00 |
9:00 |
9:00 |
NA |
Agitation |
15 seconds followed by 10 seconds every 60 seconds. |
NA |
comment a: we adjusted this to keep the total volume under 500 ml and avoid fractions; besides our graduate is marked at 425 ml...