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SP-Rack: project launch on Indiegogo!

Tim Gilbert

You asked for it! So here it is: SP-rack

Nothing really new since our last blog post other than the campaign is live.

Oh, you get to vote on the color (please don't vote for black.)

Now before you ask: why did we abandon Kickstarter and jump to Indiegogo?

Actually, we submitted this to Kickstarter and it was rejected! Something about us needing to explain that it was just a prototype and that they weren't sure we could handle such a complicated project. (Yeah, right.) We've always been frustrated their approval process anyway (it can take 12 hours or several days), so this seemed like a good time to try another platform. (As you may suspect, there were other aspects that frustrated us as well but it's complicated and we won't bore you with the details.)

From a backer standpoint, there is only one minor difference: Indiegogo will process your card when you pledge. If the project doesn't meet the funding goal, you'll get the pledge refunded by Indiegogo.

And yes, if everyone really wants black, we'll do it in black.

Comments and suggestions welcome.

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