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3. Most processing recipes are not much better than wild guesses.

Tim Gilbert chemistry developer top ten

3.  Most processing recipes are not much better than wild guesses.

Here's the expanded commentary from our video Top Ten Things That I wish I had known when starting in Large Format Photography. For some reason that I don't remember, we started with number 3.

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Tim Gilbert


By Don Stark

I’m typically not one to be excited about shooting expired film, but when my buddy Tim Gilbert at Stearman Press told me he had a roll of my favorite discontinued Kodak transparency film, that was a different matter.

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Free Film

Tim Gilbert

Free Film

We know we're supposed to focus on "large format" but last November we ran into a deal on 35mm film that we couldn't pass up. But since we haven't found a use for it yet, we're just going to give it away. Knowing that many of you also shoot 35mm, we decided to offer our newsletter subscribers first dibs. But when it's gone, it's gone. It's all expired but what we've tested has been quite usable. The E6 came out great, even at rated ISO; Tri-X and FP4 was a bit grainy, as expected (when shot at about half the...

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Toyo 45CF and the Graflex Super Graphic

Tim Gilbert

Toyo 45CF and the Graflex Super Graphic

Last week we did a comparison of the Toyo 45CF and the Nagaoka 4x5 field camera. In many ways, these cameras represent opposite ends of the last century: wood, leather and steel vs high-tech composites. Details here: It only seemed reasonable to give the same treatment to the Graflex Super Graphic. After all, in many ways, the Super Graphic (introduced in 1956) is the grandfather of the Toyo (born in 2002). So we spent most of yesterday shooting the video. By the time it was edited, we realized it was actually rather boring! It had turned into a tutorial...

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Camera compare: Nagaoka 4x5 and the Toyo 45CF

Tim Gilbert

Camera compare: Nagaoka 4x5 and the Toyo 45CF

Two cameras couldn't be more different and still perform the same basic functions. First, let me state that I love both cameras (though I love one a bit more than the other, I'll tell you why later.) Technical details: weight size bellows extension Toyo 45 CF 1.6 kg/3.6 lbs 180x200x100 mm 90/350 mm Nagaoka 1.15kg/2.5 lbs 180x200x70 mm 75/300 mm   As you can see, they really aren't that different in size. Sure, the Toyo weighs a pound heavier but that's not a major factor to me since I generally don't hike more than about two hours away from civilization....

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